of Conrad. Many years later, Erick recalls his friend in these words: "I have known happiness, the real thing, the inalterable gold piece exchangeable for whole handfuls of lesser coin. . Whether that felicity emanated from Conrad or only from our youth itself, I cannot say, but it hardly matters, since youth for me died with Conrad.”

Many readers may feel that the book also should have ended with Conrad's death. But one scene remains to be played. Sophie's horrifying revenge for Erick's rejection of her love (if revenge is really what it was) may seem unbelievable, even though we have been told this is a true story. If so, the villain is war which makes men do what in other circumstances would be unthinkable.

Perhaps the moral is expressed in Erick's concluding words, "One is always trapped somehow in dealings with women." But some readers who have followed Erick's story may suspect that he trapped himself.


is where homosexuality, prostitution, and all their associated evils begin, and it is here that there should begin the great war against



"News of the World" is a periodical that seems to exist primarily for the purpose of titillating its readers with news of sexual illegalities, particularly those in which a member of the clergy can be found to have seduced some little boys. Nevertheless its holier-thanthou editorial comment about such goings on was neatly summed up in the sub-head it used on its editorial attacking the Wolfenden recommendations: "Let's Leave Ill Alone."

At a superficial glance, "The People" would seem to be a sheet of the same type but its major interests are far more heterosexual than homosexual, with the result that it concerned itself almost entirely with the prostitution half of the Report. "The People" scolds the committee for not going far enough in its investigation of this "oldest profession's" current problems, claiming that girls ARE lured into it, and that the vice overlords keep it highly organized, with many importations of foreign workers to compete with the native laborers in the vineyards of vice. Their recorded interviews with working prostitutes were mild. however, compared with those the "Sunday Pictorial" managed to obtain.

Sales of all these publications must have been brisk-but that appears to be the sole purpose of such journalism.

(A third "Wolfenden Report"article in a future issue of the Review will tell how readers of British papers reacted to the press coverage of the Report. It is also from the pen of Gregory Trout.)

mattachine REVIEW

SUBSCRIPTIONS: $4 per year in the US., Canada and Mexico. single copies 50 cents. $5 per year elsewhere. All copies mailed first class sealed in plain envelope

STAFF: Publications Director and Editor, Hal Call, Business Manager, D. Stewart Lucas; Production Director, Henry Foster, Jr. Edit orial Board Richard Mayer, Gonzalo Segura, Jr. Carl B. Harding MANUSCRIPTS: Original articles, reviews of current books, letters and comment for publication are solicited on a no-fee basis. Where return of manuscript is desired. first class postage should be in. cluded.

ADVERTISEMENTS: Accepted only from publishers and/or authors of books, magazines and periodicals concerning homosexual and related sex behavior subjects, and from book stores or mail order bock services in this field Rates upon application Publisher reserves right to reject any and all advertising.

OFFICE OF PUBLICATION (to which all communicattions should be addressed) 693 Mission Street, San Francisco 5. Calif. Telephone EXbrook 7-0773.

COPYRIGHT 1957 by the Mattachine Society. Inc All rights reserves to material not otherwise credited.

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mattachine REVIEW